About us

LearnT – Center for Digital Learning Technology – is a research and innovation center at DTU Compute. It is placed together with strong research environments within statistics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, internet of things and software development. In learnT, we work with learning analytics, educational data mining, learning design, learning theories, playful learning and ethics, as these areas are highly relevant to understand learning and develop effective, motivational and fun learning technology. learnT and DTU Compute’s technological starting point enables our students not only to design and improve concepts but also to create future learning technology based on their technical knowledge and ability.

learnT e.g. researches on how we combine virtual learning opportunities with the learning processes that best occur in the physical world, both between students, between students and teachers and in more informal learning environments. An example of this is the investigation of how VR environments can support people with dementia to enhance well-being and reduce anxiety.

Digital learning technologies produce large amounts of data that can be used to improve existing technologies, and to provide completely new opportunities for deeper learning processes and more suitable education. learnT researches learning analytics and educational data mining to develop methods that consider and are based on the individual student’s level and allow teachers to better understand their students’ learning patterns, thus supporting them in a data-based and more qualified way.

For learnT, another focus area is how future young people will become digital producers and learn about computational thinking. An example of this is research in how primary, secondary and highschool students, through game-based processes, can work as digital game designers and, subsequently, reach their academic learning goals in subjects such as Danish, social studies, biology and history.

To promote the combination of research-based knowledge and the development of innovative learning technology, learnT has collaborated with a wide range of companies, both broadly and specifically within EdTech. We prioritise the guidance of student projects in cooperation with real-world companies. The co-workers are a mix of internationally renowned scientists and young talents from different scientific communities around DTU Compute and DTU. The research center educates tomorrow’s scientists and engineers in the field of learning technology and the education and training of MSc and Ph.D. students are important parts of the activities.

In the future, we will need to learn continuously – a focus on ‘lifelong learning’ is thus important. Accordingly, learnT researches at all levels, from primary and lower secondary education to youth education, university education and continued education.

What is Digital Learning Technology?

Learning Technology is a research and innovation field engaged in developing and implementing various – often digital – technologies to promote deeper, more flexible, more personalized and more efficient learning. One example is adaptive systems where the difficulty of a problem is tailored to the individual student and another one is 3D printing of mathematical forms. Interactive whiteboards and iPads in the classroom are other examples. A significant part of the discipline, is the handling and the use of the large amounts of data generated by students who work with digital learning technologies and of using it to gather evidence and do research based on these. Here, the word learning is used about all forms of learning and the concept also includes training.